Using a third party to develop the information security of our service generates significant added value for both us and our clients. With 2NS, we are able to verify our large investments into the quality and security of our service.
2NS clients
We have completed more than 3000 projects and we serve more than 200 clients annually, both in Finland and abroad. The most important thing to us is that our clients receive the right kind of service that is correctly proportioned. As an independent operator, we are able to offer our clients the most suitable know-how to develop their information security.

2NS is our ideal partner
Keijo Karjalainen, Executive Officer – Sympa Oy
“Collaboration was so easy, that we will use 2NS as our yearly audit partner from now on.”
Cybersecurity is vital for CableCrew since we work with critical infrastructure. As a client we felt that communication during the project was very seamless and all our questions were answered swiftly and schedule was updated to us in realtime.
Satu-Maria Ravelin, HESQ Leader – CableCrew Oy

I can warmly recommend 2NS
I warmly recommend 2NS for both individual information security trainings as well as for tighter information security partnerships.
Urpo Kaila, Information Security Officer – CSC